
About Project

This project is about creating the MVP for the mentorship platform like ADPList using the existing features in the market without any cost.


How Did The Journey Start?

I co-founded the local design community called “Design Matters” to help junior designers on their design career path last year. We upload content about UX/UI Design on social media and try discussion panels within the community. Some of the juniors reach out to me to consult about their difficulties on their journey. So I start one on one discussions through Google Meets. After one session, more juniors reached out to me to consult. So I try mentorship programs within the community as a pilot test.


🤦🏻 Language barrier

🤦🏻 Don’t know if they are on the right track or not

🤦🏻 Choices overload on a gazillion of free resources

<aside> 👀 Have Anxiety bcoz of the above things



💡 A web page where our target audiences will be able to book the local mentors’ calendar to consult with their design career and difficulties in their journey.

Target Audiences

👨🏻‍💻 Junior Level Designers

👨🏻‍💻 Mid Level Designers

👨🏻‍💻 Who would like to start UX/UI Career


🧑🏻‍💼 Design Mentors



My ideal service experience is to create something similar to ADPList, but due to the constraints, I will be able to implement some features

with the mobile-first approach as most of the users that will come to our website will be through social media like Facebook.

Design Process

As I already try the pilot program before, I already knew most of the users’ pain points. Moreover, I have time constraints, so I decided to use the combination of Lean UX and the spice of Sponsored Users by IBM.